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南條 明

生命百景色 写真家

1973年生まれのフォトグラファー   広島県尾道市出身



















生命百景色 写真家 南條 明

Big Nature's photographer

My name is Akira Nanjo. I am Nature's photographer who lives in Okinawa Japan. The environment of Okinawa fascinates me, one so blessed by both sea and nature that it demands to be shared with the world.

Since I was a boy I have been in love with nature. I vividly remember pouring over the World Picture Book thinking about the different countries I could visit when I got older.

In 1992 I joined the Taiko Arts Group (KODO) and visited 24 countries in 12 years traveling around the world to connect with people through music. When I visited Miyako island, Okinawa, Japan, in 1997, I was captivated by the rich colors of the coral that spread out under the sea as if I were looking through a painter's palette. Later, when I dived in Sado island, Japan, for the first time, I felt that my body was flying in an endless transparent expanse slowly blending into the blue of the ocean. It was a turning point for me, afterwards I was determined to start diving in earnest.

I moved to Okinawa Japan to get my instructor’s qualification and to study underwater photography. After I got the certification, Istarted working for a diving shop as an underwater guide. I gave lectures on diving and sold cameras. Throughout these activities, I told people how wonderful underwater photography is.

While I was an instructor there for eight years, I was able to dive and take photos of wonderful underwater creatures in The Kerama Islands (Okinawa), Lembe (Indonesia), Bohol, Bali Kasag (Philippines), Simiran (Thailand), and North Male Atoll (Maldives). Those were really happy days for me.

From the beginning of my journey, I have gained experience in using a single- lens reflex camera, wide, macro, semi-water surface, and movie shooting. Currently, I use the OM SYSTEM OM-1 as my main camera, with the M.Z.D ED 8mm F1.8 Fisheye PRO for wide, and the M.Z.D ED 60mm F2.8 Macro lens for macro. I also shoot macros and movies with the underwater light RGBlue SYSTEM 02,03. Whenever I shoot, I try to express the rich colors, expressions, and movements of the sea animals while taking care to maintain the beauty of the blue ocean.

In 2021, I started working as a freelance underwater

photographer to seek more encounters in the world's oceans. I want to tell more people about the beauty of the underwater world and the joy of photography. My goal is to pursue this passion in a way that brings attention to the blessings the ocean has for us, and to inspire others to admire and protect its beauty for themselves and the next generation.


December 2022 AKIRA NANJO

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